Saturday, September 15, 2012

Ms. Shannan Gilbert

I was fully prepared to write on Ms. Shannan Marie Gilbert a beautiful woman who I once believed to be a victim of The Long Island Serial Killer. I no longer am committed on the idea she is a victim of LISK. How she died and under what circumstances is hotly debated. Many in law enforcement believe her disappearance and death has nothing to do with the bodies found discarded on Gilgo Beach in Long Island. The bodies that were in fact discovered while an off duty officer searched for signs of the then missing Ms. Gilbert.

It is stated by Shannan's family that she named her attacker on a 23 minute call to 911; that they themselves did not hear however law enforcement, according to her mother, relayed to them.

The former Suffolk County Police Commissioner, Mr. Richard Dormer, believes she drowned and her death is accidental. I have to say I totally disagree with his theory. I do believe she was murdered. I believe she was in fear for her life and justifiably so.

Here are my issues with Mr. Dormer's theory.

Let me set up the scene, you are running for your life, at first you are on your cellphone with 911 and you are heard running and breathing heavy before the phone disconnects. You also are unable to give an address because you aren’t sure of where you are. You go to several houses on the street and bang on the doors screaming for help. You’ve been running...  your heart racing and not only are you scared but you are beginning to feel tired,  maybe even exhausted. This cat and mouse game has been going to for well over an hour. A man who is driving in a vehicle, not putting out much effort at all is coming to find you. He’s found you and is following you in his car. You are on the ground scared, tired and running and him in his SUV. Now what happens next?

According to former Commission of Police Dormer, you decide to go into the woods to run away from the man chasing you and try to get to a roadway to find help. As John Ray the attorney for the Gilbert family points out in an interview with CBS’s 48 Hour Mystery, there is a home within a few hundred yards of where, it is believed in Dormer’s theory,  Ms. Gilbert went into the woods.

Here are my questions with the Mr. Dormer’s theory:

1.      As it is said to be indicated on the 911 call from Ms. Gilbert, she was unaware of where she was. How would she know where to find this roadway? The woods have dense vegetation separating the road from view. One explanation was she was chasing headlights. She was over a half-mile away from a nearly desolate road, little traffic in addition it was a weekend, even less traffic. How would, when she went into those woods, even know a road was there? Further more, according Time and Date AS, sunrise was at 5:50. Would the few cars on the road at that hour even have had the headlights on? She was so out of it according to this theory, she stopped while in the middle of an active chase to take off her clothes a ¼ of a mile from where she supposedly drown (autopsy did not state cause of death).

2.      Mr. Michael Pack a very interesting man. I’m not sure why his occupation as “driver” has been glossed over. He admits in a written statement to Erin Moriarty of CBS 48 Hour Mystery that Shannan was upset because she didn’t want to give him his “cut.” Cut? Really? A driver is hired for a cut? So because this meeting with the “John” Joseph Brewer on the internet and because the “sex worker” Shannan Gilbert rode up in a vehicle this man is considered a driver that gets a “cut,” and not a pimp that gets his percentage. How long had Pack been a “driver” for Ms. Gilbert? How did she come to hire him as a driver? Is he part of some packaged deal?

3.      Money. Pack said Shannan did not want to give him his cut. Brewer, according to the accounts of what was heard on the 911 tape, said he was going upstairs. Does that mean Brewer had already paid for Shannan’s services? If so, where is the money? Was it in her purse which was found in the woods a ¼ mile from her remains? If Brewer had paid Shannan and her purse was empty of the payment and Pack was upset because he didn’t get his cut and Pack was following her in the SUV, then where is the money? Follow the trail of money.

4.      If a person is chased onto a busy highway, struck by a vehicle, and killed because he or she is in fear for his or her life then isn’t the person chasing him or her liable for the death? If that same pursuer also is known to carry a weapon then doesn’t that make it all the more intimidating for the victim? I believe Shannan Gilbert was in fear for her life when she ran however I don’t believe she ran until she died. Why…?

5.      Her jeans, shoes, and purse were found a ¼ mile from her body. Rape victims who are also the victim of a homicide are many times found without shoes or his or her pants. I believe she was raped at that location and that is why her jeans, shoes and purse where found there. As the Gilbert attorney Ray points out in the video Thick brush and foot cutting vegetation were on the ground. If she had enough presence of mind to run to a road she didn’t know was there, chasing headlights which may or may not have been on, then why would she not have the presence of mind to keep her protective clothing on her body?

UPDATE: From the New York Post. On Saturday, June 23, 2016, under very sad circumstances, Shannan's mother Mari was stabbed and killed by her daughter Sarra. Sarra is reported to have schizophrenia. The family attorney John Ray gave a glimpse into the turbulent life of the family. Sarra had been arrested in February. She drowned a puppy in the bathtub while in the presence of her son, who at the time was eight-year-old. Sarra then took the child into the forest where she threatened his life with a knife. Sarra was released and began hearing voices telling her to kill her mother. She called her mother begging for help. Her mother went to Sarra's home to help her daughter, where Mari was murdered. 


  1. I'm a bit confused by your theory. Help me understand it better. Are you maintaining that the "driver" raped and killed the woman? This would be the only reason why a rational "escort" would be running from her "driver." If so, do you think the driver may also be the Long Island Serial Killer? I saw this case portrayed on ID and it appears she was extremely irrational. She was in the safety of a man's home, with police on the way and she left for no apparent reason whatsoever. If this is not irrational why did she leave safety to continue her run in the woods? I should tell you, I have traversed through the type of terrain in which she was found. It is EXTREMELY possible that her pants became SO ENTANGLED in thorn bushes that she had one choice, free herself from her pants or remain trapped in one spot. All of your arguments assume she was in a rational state of mind but the evidence does NOT support your theory. Her pants were found literally shredded by bramble thorns and entangled in them, this is why police are sure she shed them herself (rather than feel trapped). ALL of the evidence says she had a driving motivation to STAY MOVING (even after she found safety in an older gentleman's home). I do believe that she was terrified and it's possible she was given a DRUG by her "John." I DO however agree with your legal analysis that the "driver" was culpable at least for negligent homicide and I too am outraged he has never been charged! I also believe she may have been attacked by her John. Yet, her entire flight after that shows that she was in an irrational state of mind and could very well have drown after shedding her OWN clothing. I have one other theory and it borders the bizarre, but bear with me. What if Shannon somehow had some sort of psychic connection with one or more of the victims of the Serial killer? This is an interesting theory that I would LOVE to explore if I could somehow contact her family and find out more about her.

    1. Jeffrey Dean Sr.,
      I am not sure what the role of the "driver" was. I am not sure if his culpability. I am sure he knows more than the public has been told. That is the reason I have these questions.

      On her jeans. I have not, in any research, found the conclusion that her jeans were ripped by brambles. While that may be a possibility it should never be passed on as a fact. The simple fact of weather and water leading to deterioration of the material could account for the entanglement. John Ray an attorney has a great explanation as he walks the same path Shannan Gilbert took.

      As far as psychic abilities between Shannan and the victims of the LISK. You did not go further with your theory. Do you believe this connection was post mortem?

    2. I watched the episode profiling Shannon Gilbert today. I have several theories too, including the one about the psychic connection with the other unsolved murder victims. She was apparently Bi-Polar and not taking her meds.... she may very well have had a psychotic break from reality while high on drugs, in her client's Long Island home. Maybe all of this opened her psyche up the missing women. Maybe they scared the hell out of her. Maybe... maybe they wanted to be found. She was just like them. She was an escort. They all had that in common. Maybe that was part of what opened her up to seeing them too.

      Or, maybe the driver, the client and the neighbor - were all in on it together and she figured it out and realized she had no choice to but run away on foot, trying to find help through both 911 as well as in her immediate surroundings.

      And maybe, .... the one of the people involved really was a member of (or at some point in time had been a member of) law enforcement, - and so, when the elderly neighbor who opened his door in an attempt to render aid, - mentioned calling the police, - well, - ..... she may have feared the local Long Island police department was in on it too, and decided to take her chances on foot by herself.

      And maybe that is when she drowned, or succumbed to the elements. And maybe that is why there was no money (and no cut for the driver). Because she had never been paid, and they were intending on killing her, but she ran before they had the chance...???

    3. P.S. --- I am not the same Anonymous poster as the one below who posted in March of 2013. I only just learned of this story today while watching tv. I'm sure it was a re-run. But it played today on ID.

    4. You are I believe the third Anonymous to reply. Let me start with your first theory. About the psychotic break and her fear of the police department. She was of sound mind to call the police on her cell phone and ask for their help. She was in a fight or flight mode. Anxiety can also cause strange reactions which if you are in fear for your life can cause seemingly strange behavior. She was safe and sound in the neighbor's home and she felt a need to flee. I do not believe this had to do with the neighbor at all but fear. Maybe she heard the vehicle driving looking for her? I do not understand why she left the safety of his home except she did not feel safe, but fear of the police being called when she already called 911 does not make sense. The elements and weather theory was explained in a past post but I will repost a portion. "Your theory on hypothermia, while valid, is somewhat highly unlikely. Shannan went missing on May 1st 2010, she banged on a door at 5:21 am EDT. The temperature was 64.0 F with clear conditions and calm wind speed. Around noon on May 1st the temperature was in the lower 80's F. Visibility was 10.0 miles and sunrise occurred at around 5:50 am."
      I will try to post this video on the blog, my technical abilities at times are not up to par. But here it is for a great insight on the area where Shannan was located.

      As far as the money goes. I don't know if she was paid or not. I THOUGHT I remembered a video where it was mentioned by Brewer that she had been paid. I cannot locate that video footage so I did not state it in the main posting due to lack of verification. The police have not released to the public, as far as I know, all the items that were in her purse. It is just a thought on my part. Where is the money?

      If I understand you correctly your thought on the psychic connection is once she connected with the LISK(s) victims it was too much for her to handle and she ran trying to get away from the voices. That is a theory, like the overdose of drugs and psychotic break, that we will never know of the truth and facts.

      Unfortunately, there is a connection of one law enforcement officer. The man that discovered the victims of LISK(s) and he was on the team who discovered the items and area of Shannan Gilbert. Do I feel he is involved. As a daughter, niece, granddaughter, great granddaughter, and aunt of law enforcement I want to say NO? But as I look at the facts I really don't believe he is. Why would it take so long for him to discover the victims after go out weeks on end? Why would he not find Shannan first and leave LISK(s) victims undiscovered. He's an easy target. My true belief is he is a dedicated and determined member of law enforcement and deserves accolades.

    5. Nobody seem to have considered that maybe this girl planned to keep all the money for herself, and threat Pat and Brewer with that call so they would get off her back. She tried to scam the wrong guys that lost control of the situation and end up killing her! From what I read, she didn't seem to be an easy person to deal, she already had some metal on her face because of a fight she had with a men, something that explains her fear from Pat, she knew that he realized she was trying to incriminate both in order to get away with the whole money, and now they were probably coming to pick her up and teach her a lesson! This is why she freak out and decided to knock on neighbors door, but when a neighbor tells that will call the cops, what does she do? She run away again, why? Because they would arrest her and take her money, and that is far from what she was actually looking for. If I'm in fear for my life and someone tells me help is coming, would I run away from help? No, that doesn't make any sense. She took of in direction of the woods and screaming, when Pat got her, she probably scream even more, and in order to make her to shut up, he ended up strangling her and leaving her body there.Or he had Brewer helping him, and of course, cops decided not to look further because she was a hooker and they just don't care. She wasn't killed by the same person whom killed those others girls, she was killed by someone involved with the Pat, the agency or Brewer or by both.

    6. Although that scam has been known to have happened, Shannan knew her drive home would not work out well and she was stuck in a place unfamiliar to her. I find the this to be highly unlikely. She also needed to keep jobs coming her direction so she had to be very careful or no one would want to work with her. She was not running in fear because she was concerned about money. There was much more going on and her fear was legitimate. She called 911 in fear for her life and she's dead. Case and point.

    7. I have followed this story from the beginning. First, I am saddened that after all this, Mari (the mother) was murdered and by her own daughter WOW! I have come to believe after all these yrs and all the speculation that Shannon was with out question out of her mind and was doomed the moment she left the house of her date. I believe the driver knows more then we have been told and if he did not kill her then she ran into/created her own death by running and not accepting help from a number of people she interacted with that night. It's sad she was not in re-hab/mental hospital as I very much believe she needed both and meds not drugs and such a high risk life style, the family have been pretty hard on law enforcement thru the years I really believe they tried very hard to prove anything for the family at least most of them did, they were not happy with pretty much anything they did, along with a bunch more murders to deal with and try to solve. In any other situation someone with her high risk life style is always the hardest to solve so she really had more done then most. ( in my opinion following this from the start). I am very glad the family finally had a funeral for Shannon and put her to rest. It's been a sad road for this family.

    8. I agree, there are many that are considered "high risk" crime victims. Shannan fell in that category. I too believe the driver knows more. Shannan may not have been functioning at full capacity however, it does not mean that she was not possibly raped and murdered. I find it so disturbing when help was there and, in my belief, paranoia prevented her from staying in a safe place.

    9. Maybe were all looking at this backwards-what if Pak wasn't Shannon's driver but what if he was brewers driver and he got Pak to pick shannon up which was only way he could get her there. That's why shannon wouldn't go with the driver later on. Maybe driver done this before?.

  2. I know ALOT of very very seedy charactors unfortunatly and yes,those charactors are pimps. Not one of them accepts or takes a "cut" or "percentage". They take it ALL! Every dime.

    Oh, and LOL @ Jeffrey Dean hook & conclusion.

    1. Anonymous,
      Those "seedy characters" or pimps you know may very well take it ALL. To conclude that all pimps act in this manner is not accurate. I also have known many people from all walks of life. I knew a mother, father, and two small children. The father was the pimp and the mother was the prostitute. They were both arrested. She was in total control. He was the business man in the background. He was known by law enforcement as the pimp.

      To perpetuate false and somewhat misguided information is not beneficial to those involved in the battle against the war on prostitution and human trafficking. Generalities and preconceptions may be harmful. Education is the best solution to this issue. The following is a great site dedicated to helping victims of human trafficking.

  3. I am certain Ms. Gilbert was under the influence of L.S.D. or P.C.P. That would explain her intense panic and running followed by disrobing. She thought people were out to get her and she ran. The drug kept her from feeling the cold of the water and she kept going until the hypothermia killed her. The disrobing was due to her thinking that she was going to swim and her tight jeans were hindering her movement. But she did not call for help. She was either too cold or something else completely disabled her. Perhaps a subdural hematoma created by the blow to her head that necessitated the insertion of the metal prosthesis? There was a U.S. government employee working/living in Europe who was seen in a panic state and ran from person to person and finally ran away and then was found deceased in a canal.

    1. Before I write a blog I perform research. I continue to research as new information comes along. This gives me the advantage of writing with a decent amount of knowledge.

      Your theory on hypothermia, while valid, is somewhat highly unlikely. Shannan went missing on May 1st 2010, she banged on a door at 5:21 am EDT. The temperature was 64.0 F with clear conditions and calm wind speed. Around noon on May 1st the temperature was in the lower 80's F. Visibility was 10.0 miles and sunrise occurred at around 5:50 am.

      As far as her removing her jeans a quarter of a mile from where she was found. Why would she believe she would be going swimming? She had never visited the area prior. She'd have no idea as to the area of water where she could swim or not swim. The sun was beginning to rise so she would have been able to see were she was. She was in a marsh not at the beach.

      The metal plate was inside the jaw area of her head. A subdural hematoma would have resulted quickly after the injury from the punch by her former "driver" Alex Diaz. A chronic subdural would make more sense however, not so much in this instance.

  4. Shannan had a history of untreated bipolar disorder. Given the chaotic life she was leading and her well documented use of recreational drugs, why is it suspicious that she had a mental break, panicked and ran into the marsh?

    If any of the three men who saw her in Oak Beach were directly involved in her death, there would be evidence. All three have been cleared by the police.

    Mari Gilbert's wrongful death lawsuit against Dr. Peter Hackett is most unfortunate. It is very sad that she is blaming her daughter's death on someone who may have tried to help her.

    In the end, Shannan is responsible for her own death. But victimhood is powerful and sells a lot of papers.

    1. There may be evidence that the police have not found. The word 'evidence' by the way within the legal system is all the ways or means an alleged event that is researched and investigated in a judicial trial which either proves or disproves.

      This brings me to evidence or lack of evidence. Let's take her purse that was found in the marsh away from her skeletal remains.

      Fact: This purse had Shannan Gilbert's identification inside of it Fact: This purse was found near her jeans and shoes.
      Fact: This purse was found a quarter of a mile from her body.

      This purse could very likely be evidence. Was the inside, which could have easily been protected form the elements, tested for fingerprints? Was the money Brewer reported to have given her found inside? A lack of money is considered evidence. Pointing to who I can't say however it is still evidence. It either proves Brewer lied when he said he paid her or that someone took the money out of her purse.

  5. she was found long after she died. any evidence had long been degraded by time and weather or disposed of if any of these men were involved. also, this is real life, not CSI, many times there isn't any 'smoking gun'. if she was killed on or near the beach what evidence do you think would have survived after all that time? if she had been disposed of or killed IN the water any biological evidence would be long gone.

    1. I agree with your comment of degraded evidence. What are your feelings on the purse? Do you feel, depending on the material it was manufactured, that the inside of Shannan Gilbert's purse might hold fingerprint evidence? There was identification inside her purse. Where is the money her john Brewer gave to her? Was it in her purse? Why? Isn't the lack of money considered evidence? I believe there is evidence however it was disregarded or discarded.

  6. There is no coincidence that an escort is found dead in a close approximate area of at least 5 other escorts, or persons in that work industry. Especially with evidence that heavily suggests she was running from someone. Yeah, she was most likely drugged or someone attempted to drug her, but perhaps it didn't affect her in the exact way that it was intended to (possible interaction with residual bipolar meds?) and therefore left her slightly cognitive to some extent. I truly believe this was something only half exposed, and that it was larger than it was made out to be. We hear of corrupt people EVERYWHERE, in every avenue of life too often, that it is too hard to believe this was some freak accident. I am reminded of the mass grave found in Albuquerque, New Mexico of 11 women, mostly prostitutes, and one of which who was pregnant..... Sad, sad world.

    1. At one time, I too believed it was not coincidental. However, after much research and thought I do believe it is a coincidence. Why?
      1. LISK’s (Long Island Serial Killer) victims were not killed where their bodies were discovered. They were dumped.
      2. LISK’s victim, Melissa Bethelemy’s sister, Amanda, received several harassing phone calls from Melissa’s cellphone. The calls were made by Melissa’s killer. Amanda knows the sound of his voice. She has not indicated, Dr. Charles Peter Hackett, Michael Pak, Joseph Brewer or any of the men associated that night with Shannan Gilbert.
      3. Shannan was bipolar however according to her family she was not receiving treatment. I do not believe any prescribed bipolar medication or residual medication was in her body at the time of the incident. She more than likely was using recreational drugs and or alcohol at the time of her death.
      I appreciate the empathy you feel for those who are caught up in the world of prostitution. Prostitutes are a favorite target for serial killers. They will go with a stranger without asking questions. They aren’t missed at first, if ever. Once reported missing it is hard for law enforcement to investigate because of the nature of their lives. Prostitutes tend to travel to where there is business. Ann Rule’s, Green River Running Red, is a fantastic book that I bet you would enjoy. She too has empathy for these girls. Once you realize how young they all are it is eye-opening.

    2. 99 percent of the comments I read believe Shannan Can not be the work of the Serial Killer due to the way her body wasn't disposed as the others. Put yourself in the mind of LISK....He knows there was a 911 call so if that body were to be found disposed the same as the others there would be a direct link He had to make it look like an accident if her body was ever discovered. If the police truley believe it was an accident than why didn't they release the 911 call? You can go on youtube and listen to horrible 911 calls which I don't suggest from planes crashing to horrible tragedies. The prostitutes after Shannan were told not to bring there phone (no Idea how he or them pulled this off) LISK or LISK's are very smart with computers and technology. I know this sounds very James Bondy but if LISK was able to hide his internet and cell phone Identity I'm very sure he is capable of hiding his voice Identity. I don't mean to be disrespectful and disagree agree with you opinion, but I thought I would just share mine

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I feel no disrespect for your perspective opposing mine. I welcome them. LISK called the sister of a LISK victim. He is obviously not trying to hide his voice identity. He believes he is better and smarter than the rest of us. After all no one has found him yet. He has toyed with family of victims and he feels he is total control. Brewer and the driver both have their identity known. Hackett also has his identity known, but his came at a later time. I do not believe either of the two are LISK. As to the killer of Shannan Gilbert. I've not narrowed her killer down.

  7. I have to agree with you, Tracey, about it being a coincidence. A weird coincidence, but a coincidence, nevertheless.

    Like you, I too believe Gilbert was murdered, but evidence does not point to her being a victim of the LISK. You make some great points in the above post, and let's also remember that the way her body was dumped/found (however you choose to phrase it) was vastly different from the way the other bodies were found. She is the only victim found in that area that was NOT dismembered. Four of the other bodies were found dismembered and wrapped in burlap and were all placed there within months of each other (3 of those 4 victims went missing within five months of when they were found).

    Serial killers generally maintain some form of consistency in terms of their victim selection, method of murder, and body disposal. However, killers can also evolve over time, so sometimes their methods change or they adapt based on the circumstances they encounter during their crimes. Granted, these are generalizations because there are many killers that do not adhere to a set framework, but there are usually patterns that can easily be picked out. Gilbert is the only victim found in that area that does not match the pattern of the remaining LISK victims.

    Do I think Gilbert was a victim of the LISK? Probably not.

    But to think she ran out into the marsh, stripped off her own clothes, and then kept running a quarter mile mostly naked before she fell over and drowned? I don't really buy that, either, especially given the inconsistencies in Dr. Peter Hackett's story of what happened that night.

    I'll admit her undiagnosed bipolar disorder could indicate she had some sort of psychotic episode, which could have been brought on and/or amplified by any recreational drugs she may have been taking. That certainly could have made her paranoid and thinking someone was out to get her. But based on Hackett's story (read: LIES), a more likely scenario could be that when she was banging on neighbors' doors that night, she ended up at Hackett's house. With his delusions of grandeur, he saw a girl in trouble he thought he could help. Maybe he gave her something that had a bad interaction, and she died as a result. Panicking and not wanting to destroy his reputation in the community, he dumped her naked in the marsh to look like the victim of a sex crime.

    Sadly, we may never find out what really happened to her, and my heart goes out to her family who has been met with nothing but incompetence and lack of concern by the local police departments.

    1. I think your version about Hackett, a former police surgeon, might be right. There is definitely a connection of the killer with the police because police have been completely negligent in this case: hiding 911 call from everyone, ruling death as drowning, not paying attention to the fact that Hackett changes his story, not tracing 911 call for location and taking almost 1/2 hour to arrive, etc

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I agree with all of your comments Katie C. I am researching more on LISK(S). I believe there may be two due to time frames. I will post as soon as I've finished.

      Your scenario with Hackett is interesting. I have not thought along those lines. He is an odd character that I have not been able to pinpoint. He put just enough of himself out in the public eyes then pulled himself back. Hackett denies knowing Shannan or calling Shannan's mother at the time he called. Phone documents prove him wrong.

      Shannan stripping in the marsh is hard for me, as a woman, to imagine. A pair of tight, wet, heavy jeans is hard to strip out of when you are running for your life. And the fact that they just fell off? I have not seen photos of her with loose clothing. She seems very fit and her clothing fit her appropriately. Her identification was found in her purse however was the money from Brewer was never mentioned. Where is the money?????

      Brewer stated he had to go and get her driver Pack to retrieve her from his home because Shannan refused. Then in two seconds he states she ran out of the house. What? She refused to leave yet ran out the door. The story is very strange. WHERE there is smoke. IF it walks like a duck......

    2. Oh, and I would like to comment that her Bipolar was diagnosed. She was not practicing pharmaceutical treatment at the time.

  9. I think the John gave her poison in her drink or something and told her she was gona die and she panicked and yes I to think all three men are somehow involved that's why there was no money as someone. Said on here look for fingerprints inside the purse and how Pak said she didn't want to give him his cut maybe that's why. She died maybe that's why the other girls died to maybe the police officer found Shannon last so that the poison would not be detected when they checked her and i think she was suppose to die at brewers but the poison didn't take effect like they wanted or brewer didnt pay her cuz he knew she didn't need the money because she was dieing already and did they check under her nails for skin those are just ideas cuz I watched Shannons story

    1. I just finished watching Shannan's story on Disappeared. I had two thoughts at the end, one being how convenient for the same officer that found the first body, also found the last but without his trusty pooch. I see her as a daughter, sister, friend and human. Not as the escort or bipolar person she was so simply branded, she mattered. Although this last thought brings no relief to a family that has had such a tragic loss, because of Shannan many others were found. We all have a path and maybe this was Shannen's, it's just so unfortunate that there are so many horrible people in the world wanting to hurt others. I don't think she succumbed to the elements that day, I think some kind of drug was given to her.

    2. To Anonymous February 26th Post. I agree there is a common denominator with the same law enforcement officer being present. In many serial killing cases the killer is often somehow related to law enforcement. So on that I can agree. I feel in this instance this is not the case. This officer went looking for Shannan. If he were her killer he would have known where to find her. In addition, the victims of the LISK(s) were hidden. Whoever killed these victims (excluding Shannan Gilbert), hid their bodies. He or she did not want them found. I do not think the officer would expose the bodies if he was the killer. Her death was sad however she is not forgotten.

    3. To Anonymous February 6th. You may very well be correct about a lethal drug being given to her that night or early morning. We, I'm afraid, will never know the full truth. Theories and supposition is all most have at this time.

    4. Anonymous I think you are right on about everything you have said especially the idea that Pak could have actually been working for Brewer and Hackett all along and that's why she didn't run to his car but ran away from it the other prostitutes were picked up by somebody mysterious also

  10. I watched disappeared on id about shannan gilbert.I had a bad feeling about the officer who found her. There are serial killers who likes to take risks.remember zodiac, he used to call, send letters and tell where is the next victim.and he had satisfaction by playing games and never get cought.concerning this officer , he took a long time to find shannan for a simple reason, so that the evidence will be degraded.I found it weird for the police department to mention that he is a very dedicated officer on the show, as if they are telling you not to suspect for why shannan called 911, maybe she wanted them to know his idendity if something happened to her. I dont know but this story and the whole show had lack of information and this officer gave me a bad feeling, I wish he has nothing to do with him but it has to be looked on closely as well as on the three other men.

  11. Hi, Tracey - It's good to see someone analyzing this case, putting thought into it over time, and keeping an open mind.
    It's hard to answer so many of the questions without specifics of the evidence: did her pants appear to be severely bramble cut (won't look the same as degradation from weather)? What was the inside of her bag like? The transcript of the 911 call would be useful. I don't know if you can ever get that kind of information, but after reading your thoughts and questions, and without knowing if it's possible for you, one thing that would be illuminating is to visit the scenes. For example, depending on the terrain, other noises, and traffic speed, a person might or might not be able to hear or see traffic 1/2 mile away. It'd be most useful to go on or near the same date and time of day to see, hear, and feel similar conditions. It's almost May 1! It sounds eerie, but you could bring any number of friends, vehicles, dogs, etc. I'm sure you'd gain insight into the case.
    (To reduce confusion, I'll sign 'Anonymous JB')

  12. She wasn't crazy! she made the call of fear for her life.she didn't have the money.she was found very close to the other victims.she was dumped there by him because it went wrong for him.thats why she wasn't wrapped but that's why she was put near the others.the odds of her calling 911 fearing for her life and being found dead next to other prostitutes says it all for me.same killer!!! no coincidence at all.of all the places in the world to go die, not right by other prostitutes that were murdered.that just don't happen..that was his dumping area

    1. I've also thought the same thing all along...that her killer is the same as the others. And, that it didn't go according to plan...And, that's why she wasn't wrapped in burlap.

    2. I agree, the reason why the 911 call is so strangely (to this day!) guarded by the police makes it very clear that the killer is affiliated with police
      That would also explain why the case has not been given to FBI, as FBI asked!
      And why would someone take off their pants all of a sudden during running for her life in an intense panic?
      And of course Hackett, a former police surgeon, who keeps changing his story

      All of is a disgusting display of incompetent Suffolk police.

    3. I'm not going to comment on the competiencies of the Suffolk police. I do however love your post!! I just wish all you Anonymous people had names. I love people and even if you use a factious name or a middle name, I don't care. Let's make this more personal.

  13. Tracey, I am very interested in this case. Do you know where in Florida Dr. Peter Hackett lives. I would keep a keen eye on any women that go missing in that area. If he is the killer, there will be killings with similar MO occurring there. I tried to find out where he may reside, at least what region, but could not find any results.

    1. I do not off hand know where he lives or lived in Florida. A search of property tax records can give you more information. He is a very sketchy character. I can't remember. I did see a video with an interview where they caught up to him but I am unable to locate. You might try the Ft. Walton Beach area. That is what my brain keeps telling me.

  14. Hi Tracey, I was wondering why you are so suspicious of the driver. The driver was called the driver because that is all he was. He was not her pimp. Pack and Shannan both worked for the same agency. They were colleagues. He probably drove her to customers several times and you know what 2 colleagues do in a car on a long drive. They start talking and get to know each other and develop a bond, a professional friendship and once they trust each other, they will start talking about their employer. They were not happy with the money they got from the agency. One day they decided to become business partners and cut out the middle man. He was not pimping her out. She would be more likely to offer him that partnership than the other way round because she was the one, earning the money for the agency. There was more money in for both of them without the agency. Pack admitted in a written statement that she was upset because she did not want to pay him that day so they had an argument but that argument was not at Brewers house because Brewer did not talk about that at all and he would have done, if he had witnessed the argument. I am sure that the argument occurred before they even got to Brewers house. Shannan only went out that night because she needed money for her mothers Birthday and that is why she told the driver that she does not want to pay him this time. She probably thought that he would understand the situation but he did not. He probably told her that he is not taking her anywhere and wait in the car for hours without his cut. That is probably why she was upset. Pack probably thought that Shannan did not want to leave with him because of that argument they had. He admitted it in a written statement that she was upset with him because it was too hard for him to talk about it. He probably thought that it was his fault because he was not a friend to her at that time. If he had not had that argument, if only he had accepted her demand for the sake of her mothers Birthday, she could still be alive.

    1. You are not well informed, she told Pack that Brewer didn't pay this sad story about her trying to convince Pack not to get his cut, never existed!

    2. While your story is plausible, it is very unlikely. If I was with a driver I barely knew, I would more than likely play a game on my phone. There a over a million scenarios including psychic messages sent my the LISK victims.

      Written witness statements, sworn, signed, or otherwise do not hold a great deal of confidence with me. Especially witness who are involved. There is much more to this story and Brewer and Pack need to come forth with what they know. The story is that Brewer called Pack to come and get Shannan because she would not leave the house. When Pack got to the house he went inside and she was on the phone with 911. I am curious where the theory of Shannan's birthday and the birthday money came from. It is the first I have heard of it, was it in an interview with Pack that I missed watching or reading. Please tell me more.

  15. Shannan called 911 at 4:51 and told police that she is with someone who wants to harm her. It appeared as if she was drifting in and out of consciousness during that call. I suspect that Brewer drugged her and either performed some perverted acts on her while she was unconscious without actually harming her (perhaps re-living the events of his previous killings) or he scared her by telling her what he would like to do to her. He knew, that he could not harm her because he knew that there was a driver waiting outside but he could play with her. She was up there alone with him for 2 hours. Brewer said that they did not have sex, so what did they do there for 2 hours? He probably gained her trust and got her to drink a spiked drink. Brewer drugged her, I am sure. Shannan probably became conscious during whatever Brewer was doing to her and she got scared and freaked out. She probably wanted to call her driver. Brewer probably convinced her that her driver was in on it when he was not because he was not ready to let her go. She was intoxicated and probably got paranoid. So she called the police instead.

    1. I do like your theory, however, the driver Pack, stated he received a call from Brewer. Brewer supposedly wanted Shannan Gilbert to leave but she refused. So, Brewer did not care about her calling the driver, and in actuality she was on her phone in Brewer's house when the 911 call supposedly began.

  16. Brewer got the driver involved at 5:00 because it had gone too far and he wanted her gone. Shannan was speaking to 911 for 9 minutes before the driver arrived at the scene. She only spoke of 1 guy wanting to harm her at first but when the driver came to her, she said that they want to kill her. This is what the driver said in an interview when he went into the house: 'She freaked out and said: "You guys are trying to kill me." She went behind the couch, crouched down. So I went there, looked there and said: "Sharan what are you doing?" and then I was trying to think, you know, is she really messed up on drugs, or? So I tried to test her by asking her: "Have you seen the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?" She said: "Yes", so I thought, oh ok, she is coherent then, she is just acting. And then I hear a 911 operator, a lady on her phone, and that's when I realized she is on the phone with 911. So I thought, oh, she is trying to set me up, because she said: "You guys are trying to kill me." I thought, she wants me to leave, so I left.' This statement tells me that Shannan was not on drugs when Pack drove her to Brewer. Pack was not sure what was wrong with her. Was she on a bad trip or was it true? When he saw, that Shannan was talking to the police, he thought she wants to set him up because of the argument about the cut. So he left to wait outside before things escalated but he did not drive off because there could have still be some truth in what she said so he put her safety over his own. He could not have lied about anything he said because Shannan was talking to 911 throughout the entire time. He saw Shannan run out of the house, away from Brewer and he went after her. What did Brewer do when the driver left? Brewer could have gone out there to go after her. He knew his way around. He could have known a way to cut her off unseen by the driver and neighbors. Brewer has no alibi after the driver left. He had enough time to go after her.

    1. Very interesting ideas. To elaborate on this. Brewer knew she was on the phone with 911. Why didn't he call 911 to get her removed from his home? He knew with her calling that the gig was up...if of course they found her. Maybe he decided to keep her quiet, for good.

  17. The neighbor who took her in, said that she ran out of his house after he called the police. Shannan was on the phone to 911 for 23 minutes so why did she hang up the phone? Did she really feel safe or did the operator tell her to hang up. Did the operator think that she was on drugs and told her that she will be charged with a penalty if it turns out that she is wasting police time and continues to block the emergency line? The police could easily cut that end off from the tape. Why would she run out after the neighbor told her that he called the police. Something happened that made her run from the police but we will never know because police will never admit to any wrong doing on their end. She was not scared of the neighbor because as she ran out of the house, she saw the driver approaching and ran back to the neighbor and hid under his boat outside his house. She would not have hid there, if she thought that the neighbor was in on it. She knew that he was safe. She genuinely ran from the police. The neighbor stopped the driver and spoke to him. Shannan then ran away from her hideout. The driver went after her but not right after he spotted her because the neighbor was still stopping him. During all this time, while Shannon was at the neighbors house and while the neighbor spoke to the driver, Brewer had enough time to catch up with her and wait for her at a point he knew, she would have to cross and he could easily have dragged her into the bushes unseen. Why would she start running through dense bushes and loose her jeans, knickers, phone etc. on the way.

    1. I'm with you on most of this but not on other parts. I disagree about her fear of the police. I think she was more fearful of the men following her. I try and put myself in her shoes. I've always heard a "moving target" was harder to shoot. She left and kept going because she a moving target. I'm glad the neighbor was a witness and I'm sure no one else knew he was a witness in the beginning. It could have turned out really, really bad for him that morning.

  18. Shannan's mother got a phone call from a guy who called himself Hackett but it was not Hackett because how could Hackett have got that number? How could he have even known Shannan if he was not at the scene. The killer called the mother because the killer was the last one who had access to her phone, If Dr. Hackett was the killer, why would he introduce himself with his name? Brewer called the mother, I am sure of it. Hackett was a respected neighbor and Brewer used his identity to find out if the mother knew, where Shannan was. Maybe Shannan said something to him before she died or maybe he just got off on her mothers concern. Whatever it was, he felt the need to call her and would have been stupid to tell her who he really was. Brewer was the one who hired Shannan through craigs list and this is how all the other recent victims met their killer. In an exclusive interview, Brewer told The Star-Ledger that Shannan asked Brewer something about transvestites, which made him believe that Shannan was a transvestite and asked her to leave. She became irratical and refused to leave, probably because he did not pay her. When the other, much older victims were discovered, one of them was a transvestite and he got punched to death.The police said that the murders of the transvestite and the mother with the child were 15 years apart from the recent killings. What if Brewer started off with those ones and then stopped because he got married or stopped because of that experience with the transvestite and decided to settle down? When his wife left, he would have had even more reason to go on a new killing spree. Why would Shannan speak about a transvestite. She did not. He surely made that up because what bloke has a transvestite in his house and lets that transvestite call for driver or 911 when he just discovered that this woman is a man? Every normal man would freak out and chuck the transvestite out of the house. Brewer stayed calm and let her call 911 and calmly got the driver involved? This is not gonna happen in such a situation. Brewer made that up but in every lie is some truth. He told The Star-Ledger something that he experienced before. Brewer moved away as well. Hackett moved because his reputation was destroyed. He won the trial against the mother but still, people probably found it hard to trust him after that. Shannan was not supposed to die that night. Brewer knew that she was coming with a driver. The police find it hard to connect her to the other victims because she died under different circumstances. Brewer did not plan this murder. He murdered her out of the opportunity. He saw his opportunity when she refused to leave with the driver and ran away from both of them. He did not have the chance to perform his usual ritual with her but he was able to rape her and probably drown her afterwards. I do not see why Brewer was ruled out. They searched his house or car but did not find anything. What makes them think that this is the only places where he could have killed them or where he keeps trophies? One of the victims was called from Manhattan buy someone who said he was the killer. How can they be sure that he really was the killer. Maybe it was just another guy, getting off on the fear of the sister. It would not be the first time that some guy claims he did it when he did not. They follow the investigation and imagine how it could have been when and tell her that. There is no evidence that any of that conversation matched the murders because the police simply did not have enough evidence to link anything to anyone. Point is, even if Brewer was never in Manhattan, this does not mean that he could not have been the killer.

    1. Your theory is a great one. I, personally, cannot find fault with any of the information provided. If, Brewer is the LISK then time frames must be established with the other murders. More on Brewer must be established. What does he do for a living. What time of year does he live on Long Island? Where did he live prior. It is a great theory but now the hard work of research must begin.

  19. It's clear to me that most of those commenting on this post have never known what it feels like to be "strung out" after drug use. You are literally incoherent, mentally and physically. Your physical behavior becomes incredibly bizarre and it's typical to have problems controlling your own body. You are able to walk, run, etc, but your movements are almost foreign to you because of the drug's effects.
    You often do things you would NEVER normally do. For instance, you may remove all of your clothing with the intention of simply dressing yourself in different/fresh clothes, planning to shower (or go for a swim/get in the hot tub, etc)...only to realize, sometimes hours later, that you're still sitting/standing in the same room (or different room or even wondering from room to room) stark naked. You've become preoccupied with your fingernails (or any number of things) so you fail to realize that hours have passed. To a rational, logical, reasonable person this seems unbelievable. I can assure you that this is precisely what occurs after taking certain drugs. With speed, crystal meth, cocaine, etc, you may not sleep for days (often, the lack of sleep makes no difference since the drug itself may lead to feeling "strung out") which leads to extreme mental and physical breakdown. The resulting overwhelming, irrational behavior is not something you can comprehend unless you've actually experienced it. You may have experience with a loved one who has been in this state of mind but understanding their mental condition is impossible to comprehend without having gone through it yourself. You cannot begin to imagine how out of control this feels.
    Your mental state becomes so incoherent, paranoid, and illogical that you cannot make sense of anything around you, regardless of hard you try to regain some semblance of your normal self.
    The only thing that helps someone in a situation like this is sleep, (sometimes 24 to 48 hours will pass before they even wake up), discontinue drug use until rested, hydration and food. This cycle begins all over again once they decide to ingest more drugs. There are many scenarios that will be played-out regarding this case (and many others) but the fact is, we will likely never know what her true mental state was. I thought it was important to mention these things because so often we hear that the individual we're discussing wouldn't behave this way because "it doesn't make sense". I can assure you, she absolutely could have taken her pants off, dropped her purse, and many other things that don't make sense to the rest of us.

    1. It heartbreaking to read stories like this. My hearts goes out to Shannan's family. I hope that if this was, in deed, foul play that those responsible will be held accountable. My prayer is for peace and comfort for Shannan's loved ones.

    2. 1. I'm not sure of the results of the drug screening reports done on her hair or nails. What drugs she used and how often. Who is it that stated she was under the influence at the time? Where did she get these drugs if she was under the influence?
      2. She called 911 herself. She was talking to the operator. She was able to dial and talk.
      3. She was inside a neighbors house after running from Brewer's. She sat and waited but abruptly left.
      4. She was seen hiding behind a boat to avoid detection.
      5. Do you really think that the vechicle and it's occupants would have just left her there if they were following her. "Oh well, we can't find her, let's go home now." No, they were hunting he
      r down and they eventually found her.

      Yes there very well may have been a large drug influence involved however there were other suspicious circumstances witnessed by others including the 911 call which raises questions.

  20. It is april 2015 and the forensic medical examiner, the famed Michael Baden has examined Shannon's body and determined it was NOT a drowning like Suffolx County determined! That she would die by drowning," given that the other 10 craigslist escorts were strangled (and some body parts chopped), was basically preposterous. He also noted that her tips of her fingers and toes were missing! also a part of her neck bone was missing and "roughness" on the bone in this area was typical of strangulation, same as other victims. It was mentioned her "Cell Phone" was found with her pants, purse. We know the last time she had her cell phone was during the 911 phone call as she raced out Joseph Brewer's front door, "breathing heavy" before the call ended. From what I recall she was on the phone with the 911 operator when Pak came to the front door and made a comment telling her to leave or that she was free to go. She ran. Dropping her phone? Or did he try to grab her as she fled? Her sister found her earing right outside the doorway. So if "someone" picked up her cell phone, then threw it with her body and her belongings, maybe this is how Hackett discovered her mother's phone number to call her! This PROVES, that 2 people; Pak because she had to run past him, and Hackett because he obtained her mother's phone number, both had contact with her and her cell phone, which ended up near her "dead body!" Thus linking them to her murder. They left her cell phone as "evidence" right next to her body, no doubt having no fear that she'd ever be found! Like the other 10, some having been dead for years! I saw a map of the location of where the 10 bodies were discovered and it was a straight shot from Brewer's house! However Shannan's body was found located close to Hackett's house! This neighbor who says Shannan ran to his house for help and he called the police for her. I have a strange feeling about him. Especially when he said "something to the effect" ol: that neighbors don't snitch on neighbors. The neighbor may just have been an "alibi" that he saw her and that she appeared to make no sense before running off (again) into the night, to throw police off, which it did! No, I think she was caught immediately after she ran dropping her "life line" to 911. and what was the "driver" Paks job? Maybe it was to bring the victims to these two monsters and the "cut" he received was for selecting victims that all had certain characteristics in height, weight, appearance.... In my opinion, they all seem to have a bit of a Bridget Bardot "look" about them and all have noticeable similarities in facial characteristics! as for this killers M.O. he dumps his victims bodies in marshes. Gosh only knows how long this has been doing this! Check out the 4 murders in atlantic City of prostitutes to whom police see this killer as being a link to these. Why the FBI was not called into this is beyond me! I don't know if it is complete incompetence or by some unknown reason a "cover up" by the Suffolk County police a serial killer has been allowed to run free. I don't think it'd be hard to go back and "revisit" the crime scene and look first at "WHO" was there that "LaST" people to see Shannon Gilbert alive and go from there!

    1. I agree, denying FBI to take the case and not releasing the 911 calls is completely incriminating to the police themselves!

    2. According to the information I have read Dr. Baden's wrote the following:

      Thank you very much, AnonymousApril 7, 2015, for this information, I have been out of touch due to illness and Baden's report slipped by me. Thank you for posting,

  21. Besides the murders, something equally strange, is the way the Gilgo police seem uninterested in solving these murders, even going so far as to say that Shannon most likely died from the elements. Who was the officer who responded to the call? What relationship did he have with any of these men. Could he have been the last person to see Shannon alive?

    1. For the sheer sake of tourism, I would think the solving of these murders is high to the priority list. I do believe that there are many Law Enforcement Officers that truly and deeply care for these girls.

  22. A new Anonymous, lol. I think she was drugged in the house and later killed. There should be evidence under her finger nails. Not clear if she actually had sex with Brewer before he claimed he asked her to leave. Was semen found? She definitely didnt die due to the elements. I think Brewer is guilty

    1. She may have been drugged at the house and then killed elsewhere. I obviously believe she was killed in the area where here personal items were found. As far as I know there was no semen found.

  23. So was it 2 hours at Brewers or 3 no matter, they didn't have sex??? In all that time??? Wasn't that what she was there for??? What they just talked???? I think absolutely a whole lot happened at Brewers or stuff Brewer did or said to her wether with drugs or force to MAKE her act the way she did!!!! If she had just meet a monster that was going to sexually abuse her which he may have already done or was going to kill her torture her or whatever even if she hadn't been drugged or done drugs with Brewer whatever happened with him is absolutely plausible for her to be that hysterical!!! WHAT'S everyone talking about all the answers lies with BREWER!!!!!

    1. You may very well be correct. But how do we get from this place of innuendo to actual fact? I would love to hear your suggestions on a plan of attack.

  24. So was it 2 hours at Brewers or 3 no matter, they didn't have sex??? In all that time??? Wasn't that what she was there for??? What they just talked???? I think absolutely a whole lot happened at Brewers or stuff Brewer did or said to her wether with drugs or force to MAKE her act the way she did!!!! If she had just meet a monster that was going to sexually abuse her which he may have already done or was going to kill her torture her or whatever even if she hadn't been drugged or done drugs with Brewer whatever happened with him is absolutely plausible for her to be that hysterical!!! WHAT'S everyone talking about all the answers lies with BREWER!!!!! And interesting her fingertips and fingers were missing??? Did they test for Brewers semen?? Or anyone's???

    1. The killer has already been interviewed in the first 48 hours,the bodies I believe we're dumped not too long after shannan went missing as I believe the killer panicked as he had them stored somewhere but was worried they would be discovered as police were getting too close to him so he acted fast not wanting to get caught with bodies connected to him. That's what I believe anyway after looking at this case.

    2. I have not had confirmation of her missing fingertips. According to the forensic information in the media the bodies of the Long Island Serial Killer victims had been in the area for quite some time. Some had been there for many years. Longer than Shannan had been missing. I do not believe Shannan was killed by the Long Island Serial Killer. As i have been promising for several years, I have a post to add to this blog on LISK. I have a few more bits of information to confirm and then I will be ready to post. My line of thought will make sense once my research is available for all to read. Stay tuned....

    3. I believe her body was or nearly was a skeleton when discovered. My understanding is the elements were not kind and any DNA would have been washed away. Was there an exchange of money? If so, why was it not in her purse (or was it)?

  25. I've always found it disturbingly odd and more than a coincidence that the "off duty Officer" who not only found the first body, but also, a year later, found the body of Shannan. I wonder if they've actually taken a closer look at this guy....?

  26. I do not believe it is coincidental at all. This office had been searching for years. He and his dog would go for walks along the beach looking for these women. When he found Gilbert he thought he found a LISK victim (which may nor not be, that remains to be discovered). From that point he continued to search for victims until they were discovered. Had he been the murdered he would have just walked his dog and checked out the areas where the remains laid and left them undiscovered. I believe he had a major role in the discoveries and he is big part of the investigation. I do not believe he is associated with any of these crimes.

  27. Hi Tracey,

    I have read a great deal about the LISK case and about the Shannan Gilbert case during the last couple of years and followed with great interest.

    My opionion is that the murders, including Shannans murder, were all commited by a group of men, killers working together. It wouldn't be the first time that a "team" of sociopaths are responsable for multiple murders (like in the case of Charles Ng and Leonard Lake, the Hillside strangler, etc..).

    I strongly believe that a minimum of two to three people are in it together, each with a role in its "organisation". I believe Pack was a delivery boy for the killers (and maybe more) in these cases.. a delivery boy for Brewer, Hackett and maybe others (involved in law inforcement as the case was slowed down and hindered beyond a doubt)..

    I can not believe that Shannans death and the discovery of her body close to all other victims is a coincidence. It's to strange that someone calling 911 saying "they are trying to kill me" ends up dead in a "trophy bone yard" as I call it.

    1. Wow, thank you for your post. I do agree that more than one man involved, I do not feel there is a group or organization. I have researched LISK and the body count along that coastal area is mind boggling. (Due to illness, I was not able to post for some time now but I'm back) I need to complete my post on LISK. The things I have come across has led me to believe the latest bodies found are from one killer. I will get to work on that post, there is just too much information to write in a response. I am currently working on an ebook on Holly Bobo. I hope you check back this Monday and I will have the LISK post completed and posted
      Then I would love to hear what you think.

  28. I am an private investigator working on this case. If anyone has solid leads please let me know at

  29. Michael G. Kessler from Kessler International's @

  30. Has anyone heard from this pack guy? Because he looks like the unidentified male 🤔

  31. This sounds like the most reasonable theory to me.
    The John, who had decent means as evidenced by his living in this fancy gated beach community, SENT his own driver for the escort, who then came into the house where both of them and possibly others had planned and attempted to rape her together and maybe drugged her with a hallucinogenic adding to her scrambled way of trying to get out and get help, In a quite small community such as this where people seem to know most everyone, she feared possibly that a local cop could too be a threat, especially if she had already been drugged and or attacked and was in a state of shock (people in shock will behave violently and erratically) been there (robbed) done that (everyone is the attacker when you are in shock and have been assaulted in that way especially if by two or more men) then after escaping the john's house was later found dead, raped, robbed and strangled as evidenced by the hyoid bone damage even though it was said not to be the usual way a hyoid looks after strangulation. I tend to think there are always variables to every situation including the damage level to the hyoid bone. Additionally, I have a suspicion that possibly there was something more going on around there and the cops or the ones that Mari (Mom) was dealing with seemed almost to be covering for someone (the "lost" jacket? and very lackadaisical manner in which it was investigated). I just feel that the other murders WERE indeed connected to this one, maybe there were a group of men making snuff films choking, sadism or rape videos etc. then the videos were sold on the internet in some twisted paid membership site for sadism, murder, gang rape and snuff perverts. It's not at all uncommon unfortunately, ask any detective working the internet and deep web. It just feels that this is in fact all connected and that two or more men in that gated community are involved including the doctor, hence why he moved later, who would move from a lovely, seaside gated beach community unless the heat was getting too hot.....? (Note: I worked online for several years as a Host on a very popular internet provider and saw similar membership sites as I speak of here and worked with PD's and Interpol in tracking the IP addresses to assist the investigation and hopefully arrests of these types of perverts). To sum it up, they would get escorts from Craig's list, go pick the escort up using their own SUV via Pak the driver to facilitate the escort getting into the gated community undocumented and smoothly unnoticed, then once there she finds that there are several men already there including Pak for the Multiple man "party" she didn't know about, she is petrified and tries to leave, they drug her somehow, she gets out, calls police while running, seeing Pak chasing her in his car she keeps running even from the woman's help (saying repeatedly that "THEY are trying to kill me" after seeing Pak and then he or "they" catch up to her rob her, rape her there but again she gets away or runs afterwards and runs farther into the marsh nude trying to seek help where she is caught again strangled there and left for dead.
    What do you think?
